Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I prefer old school terrorism

Fort Dix, a place I remember visiting a little kid, made the news today as the target of a planned attack. A video store clerk alerted police to the plot after one of the six guys involved requested that a VHS tape be converted to DVD. It showed ten men shooting weapons at a firing range and calling for jihad. [Source]

This bit of news (and seeing the Transformers movie trailer) made me think of the old G.I. Joe cartoon. Did you ever notice that all of the COBRA guys were white? Not that they were rascist or anything (or at least, not overtly), they just happened to be a group of entirely white bad guys.

With the exception of Destro. Though his voice was James-Earl-Jones-deep, he was ... chrome ... or something.

The Joes, on the other hand, were totally multiracial. (Subtext there: multiracial = good). Though they did play on racial stereotypes (of course a guy like Quick Kick had to be Asian), at least they didn't bug each other about it. I don't think Mr. Kick ever got left out of a mission because he wouldn't shoot one of those hand-stinging laser guns.

Let's just hope today's terrorist organizations don't acquire both genetic engineering and human cloning technology. Can you imagine Osama bin-Laden on a 24-7 DNA cocktail high?


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