Thursday, January 15, 2009

Do the DITY Move

We had a bit of down time today, so I went over to the Tranportation Office to learn more about "Do IT Yourself" (DITY) moves.

From what they said, people who are away from their post on temporary duty (TDY) can get compensation for moving up to 600 pounds of their stuff on their own. You have to weigh your car empty and then again when it's full -- that determines the true weight. The dollar amount is determined by the weight and distance traveled.

For me, I'll be hauling about 300 pounds back to Fort Eustis for BOLC3; according to the transportation representative I spoke with, that qualifies me for about $700 in compensation.

I was amazed -- 700 bucks just for hauling my own stuff to my next assignment? Incredible! I strongly advise anyone driving to BOLC to look into this.

Now I just have to find the free time to get over to the weight station. They're only open during the weekdays -- exactly the same times we're busy. :-(

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