Thursday, January 15, 2009

BOLC2, Week 1

Today was the "initial" PT test; nothing glorious, but I passed.

Originally I had thought that I'd have a chance to improve and score better in two subsequent tests thoughout our term, but then I found out that if you pass, you don't do any of the other two. They're only for people who fail the initial one.

This differs from OCS. There, you have to pass the initial one in order to even get in the class. There are two others during the term; you have to also pass the last one in order to graduate.

Well, OK. So that's over with.

Today also marked the end of the first week. With Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday this coming Monday, the Army has decided to give us not just a three day-, but a FOUR DAY weekend.

There is now much rejoicing.

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