Saturday, February 21, 2009

BOLC2, Week 6

With this post, I'm happy to say that the hard part (that would be the actual training) of BOLC2 is finished. Next week we have weapons cleaning, a blood drive, our equipment turn-in, and some administrative stuff.

Because of the President's Day holiday, this was an abbreviated week, but it was still a bit tough. On Tuesday and Wednesday we did combatives all day, and unlike in BCT and OCS, we did a lot of sparring. I caught an elbow to the ribs on Tuesday afternoon, and that pretty much took me out for the rest of the day.

On Wednesday morning I went on sick call to make sure nothing I got nothing more serious than a bruised rib, then rejoined the platoon for the afternoon.

On Thursday we went out to the field for the squad live fire exercise. Though we stayed out all day, it was really only 25% work and 75% sitting around and waiting for the next iteration.

Friday was even nicer. I spent the morning doing road guard duty during the morning (which meant more laying around for four hours waiting for two cars to go through), followed by a series of afternoon naps beyond the ken of any cadre. So today was pretty nice.

But I still look forward to the weekend. :-)

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