Monday, February 16, 2009

library, theater, and summer movies

One of the best things you can do if you're stuck on a military post is visit the library. Fort Sill's library has a bunch of movies available (not to mention books) . Registering is free, and you're really only limited by how many movies you can watch in a week.

In the past couple weekends, I've seen the following movies, many of which I'd already seen but just wanted to watch again:
  • Brotherhood of the Wolf. Strange, but hey, it's French.
  • The Scarlet Pimpernel. The one from the 1930s. Surprisingly good.
  • The Transformers. I've seen it a bunch of times, but it's still fun to watch.
  • Horatio Hornblower #7 and #8. Now I've seen the whole series.
  • Forbidden Kingdom. Another movie I can watch often.
  • Gattaca. This one's a keeper. Moving every time.
  • Bean's Holiday. I had seen it with my wife, but wanted to see it again.
  • Mallrats. #1 movie for remembering my community college years.
  • Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World. Waste of time. Watch Outsourced.
  • My Blueberry Nights. Decent movie, but not grabbing. That's about it.
  • Clerks 2. Hilarious, in all the wrong ways.

    On top of that, I've been to the theater four times since I've been here. The military discount is significant -- from $8.50 to $6. Sweet.

  • Mall Cop. Funny, but on a grade school level.
  • Bedtime Stories. Cute, fun story.
  • The International. All right, but nothing special.
  • He's just not that into you. OK, but I was hoping for a completely happy ending.
What I'm really looking forward to are the big summer ones: Dragonball Z, Street Fighter, the Watchmen, and the Star Trek prequel. And I think Harry Potter 6 comes out in July -- I can't miss that one.

If I have the time, it'll be a fun summer.

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