Friday, February 27, 2009

Epitomizing the Army

I can only guess what the story behind this is, but if I'm right, it would comically sum up the essence of the Army. [click on the picture for the larger resolution]

  1. To facilitate personal hygiene, the Army installs a hand sanitizer dispenser in the Dining Facility.
  2. To call attention to the dispenser, a sign with the words "Hand Sanitizer" is put up.
  3. A simple piece of paper looks bad, so a picture frame is bought for the sign.
  4. To increase usage, the dispenser is moved to a location with better traffic.
  5. No authorization is given to move the sign, so it remains vestigial in its original location.
Like I said, this is only a guess, but I would defy anyone to come up with a more likely scenario.

You have to laugh...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not an entirely different scenario, but I wouldn't be surprised if a woman were involved somewhere in the decision making process.

On the other hand, I'm sure there's an AWOL/a wall joke in there somewhere, but I'm too lazy to think of it...

Attempt #3: BUDGET CUTS!

Eh, I give up.