Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fort Monroe

Fort Monroe's located on the south end of Hampton Roads, on a little spit of land called Sewell's Point. It was a particularly strategic area during the Civil War, as it oversees the mouth of the James River, and with it river access to Richmond; during the Monitor and Merrimac battle, it provided vital defense to damaged wooden ships such as the Minnesota.

[3.24MB Source]

The post is scheduled to close in September 2011, but until then it's still possible to stay in the same barracks that Robert E. Lee stayed in when he was stationed here (1831-1834). As a history buff, I'd go slackjawed to be stationed here, but that's not going to happen in time, I guess.

Some of the base housing is located within the six-sided stone fort and surrounded by a moat. I can't help but wonder what will become of it after the post gets BRAC'd. Hopefully some tourism company will convert it into some kind of modestly affordable hotel.

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