Tuesday, May 19, 2009

TBOLC, Week 10

Monday we had the UMO test in the morning, one of the easiest tests of the course. This was not so much because I'd paid attention in class or studied hard the day before, but because I got very good at going through the table of contents in the book. It didn't hurt that the test was broken down into sections that referenced which chapter to look in for the answer. I scored a 95%.

In the afternoon the chaplain spoke to us about the role of the chaplain in a unit and how we should make use of the resources he provides.

Tuesday was cool. Because of the weather, we were released to do our own PT, so we basically all zonked out and went back to the hotel. Nice way to start the day. We were about to do the AAR for Red Ball, but we didn't have things exactly the way the major wanted, so he rescheduled it for the afternoon. At 1100, we had to attend a brief from HRC -- the people in Washington who assign us to posts after we find outour branches.

Apart from a few interesting statistics (like 95% of lieutenants stay at their initial post until they start the Captain's Career Course), there wasn't that much they could tell us. Watch for interesting stuff on the webpage, and seven years from now, when you start to be considered for major, be sure to update your Officer Record Brief.

That was about it.

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