Monday, May 11, 2009

TBOLC, Week 9

Because last week ran into this one, I've only got four days to write about. On Tuesday we were back to PowerPoint presentations all the live-long day. The only nice thing about it was that we got a break from PT in the morning.

That didn't necessarily mean I got more sleep, though -- a bunch of us ran out to catch the 9:35 showing of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. (It was worth it.)

Wednesday was a pain. We had more of the Unit Movement Officer (UMO) class we started the day before, followed by a uniform inspection class -- they gotta make sure we don't look like garbage during our dining in.

That was all fine, but the problem came we were told we had to wait for the First Sergeant to inspect us before we could go. At the time, he was in the middle of a promotion board, and couldn't leave until the last person was done. We ended up sitting around, doing nothing until 1800, when we were released (it was either that or release us for dinner and then bring us back). So silly...

Thursday was more of the same junk. A lot of us have totally lost all motivation in class. Some sleep, others write; I keep myself busy by planning blog posts and "to do" lists. At least we got out at 1500.

Friday was another silly, silly day. I'd say it was ridiculous but that would imply a measure of anger. These days it's just resignation. We met outside to go over some basics on airlift procedures, such as how to tie down a palette and find the center of balance of a vehicle, then got out around 11:00 to turn in some gear back in the classroom.

We were all set to go home, but then the cadre said we had to be back after lunch. We ended up stuck there filling out forms until 1500. Thumbs down. We could have been gone hours before, but no -- that's too early.

But I guess that's the schoolhouse -- what matters is how many hours we log in, not what we're actually learning.

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