Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ready to move

It's a good time to be in the Army, I guess. With unemployment hovering just under 10%, job security's among the last things I worry about (though life security's another issue).

The money's all right, too. The wife and I just paid off the last of the credit card debt this month so that we can qualify for a mortgage. It's too bad that they still consider my student loan debt, even though it's in deferment through the Army's student loan repayment program. (Speaking of which, I'm expecting my first of three annual payments to come through pretty soon. That'll be nice.)

Though I don't know what the specific amount will be, I hope the compensation from the move to Texas will give us a jump start on a down payment -- I'd like to get a house while the first time home buyer's credit is still available. Though my parents have warned me of the perils of home ownership, I think it worth it.

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