Tuesday, February 01, 2011

The "Far East" Dining Facility

People in my company are always talking about how terrible the food is here compared to other bases. I don't yet have a basis for comparison, since I haven't been anywhere else yet, but I'm pretty happy so far.

Kandahar has a number of dining facilities (DFACs), including a European place and a "Far East" DFAC. I put that in quotations, though, because the only thing Far East about it the three guys constantly making fried rice. I suppose that's Chinese, so OK, but you never see anything else that fits with what you'd consider "Far East" food.

Take a look at this picture.

It's not bad, but it's NEAR Eastern, if anything. The best things about this DFAC is that 1.) it's close to my company's command post, and 2.) it has soft serve vanilla ice cream.

The best place on Kandahar, people say, was Harvest Falcon, which closed before I got here because they overbid on the contract renewal. I hear that so often it's starting to make me angry. The other thing I hear is that the camp at Frontenac has the best food -- good steak, real crab legs, and Baskin Robbins-style ice cream.

I can't wait to try some of that.

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