Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Getting goodies

I don't know what happened to the camera I had before, but I lost it around the time SY went into the hospital and my gear was sent off to Afghanistan with the company (I also lost the shoulder boards for my dress uniform, strangely).

Earlier, I had assumed I packed it, but once I got here I found out that wasn't the case -- I had to order a new one. So, for about $100 I got a Nikon Coolpix S3000. I figured I'd get something light and compact so that I could carry it in a pocket everywhere I go -- even on missions -- and this fit the bill nicely.
The vendor wouldn't ship to my APO address, so I sent it to my parents; they forwarded it on to me with some stuff I'd asked for -- a locker mirror, some lined paper, and a pocket calendar, as well as some of my mom's homemade cookies. :-) Good choice.

My grandfather sent some snacks as well -- honey mustard pretzels, Dutch caramel waffle cookies, Whitman chocolates, an sugar-free vanilla wafers. All of it's great stuff, and it's particularly tempting to have snacks in your room. Saying no to dessert when you've filled up on vegetables is easier than when they're right next to you.

I'm trying to lose weight and trim down, but all this stuff is hard to turn down.

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