Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mission #2: Tarin Kowt

My second mission to Tarin Kowt went out on Sunday the 20th and got back today. Here are some pictures from along the route.

Left: A good day for driving
Right: the hills south of FOB Frontenac

Left: getting ready for mission
Right: the land outside the wire

Loading up at TK for the return trip

The view from the top of a cargo truck

Left: Afghan kids
Right: flags of a partnership

Left: mountain view behind my truck
Right: an Apache landing near our load site

Left: an Afghan National Police station
Right: mark made by a thrown rock

The mission had its share of problems. The truck I was in had just come out of the maintenance shop with a brand new engine in it, so it revved high -- the driver and I had to yell at each other to communicate. It also had a screw loose, so it constantly leaked oil; it wasn't a problem the first day because that leg of the trip was short, but we had to tow it the second. Fortunately, we were able to fix it at TK; we didn't need to tow it back.

That last picture of the window crack came from a rock thrown by a kid. I asked our interpreter about it, and he said it wasn't because we didn't give him any candy or that he was angry -- he was just a punk. In small groups, he said, the village kids are manageable, but they get uncontrollable when you get about a dozen.

It surprised me, but I can deal with rocks.

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