Thursday, June 02, 2011


I thoroughly enjoyed my R&R. Although I didn’t do as little as I’d initially hoped, it was time well spent. :-) I mowed the lawn a few times, weeded the flower garden, celebrated my daughter’s first birthday party, watched her learn to walk, and took the kids to Chuck E Cheese.

That one on the right might qualify as an example of early childhood gender stereotyping, but it’s still pretty cute.

My Wisconsin-based parents came down on May 26th to see everyone.

One night, HJ was slow to brush his teeth with me, so I got his bunny to wait in the hallway for him with his toothbrush. He got a kick out of it.

The day before I left, SY remembered that she’d told HJ we’d go to Chuck E Cheese when I came home, so we squeezed that in. He had a great time.

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