Thursday, June 23, 2011

Self encouragement

I keep a notebook of daily "stuffs to do," both work and personal, because I've a mind like a steel sieve. In my idle moments, it's also a doodle pad.

About a week ago I was doodling in my notebook and drew this guy:

It started off as a face full of excitement, continued with the thumbs up, and ended with the quote. The next day I turned the page, started a new list, and this guy showed up:

Then several days passed and I didn't think about them at all...

...until today, when I was flipping through for some phone number or something. I saw the things I'd drawn, and I immediately felt a little happier. It was the same kind of feeling I get when I'm sifting through the pockets of my laundry and I find money, like "Oh, that's nice."

Strange that I could use absent-mindedness as a way to encourage myself.

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