Thursday, June 09, 2011

Stir Fry and Yellow Peril

Though of course I didn’t look forward to coming back to Kandahar, I did look forward to eating at the Far East Dining Facility again. I’d go there with one of the other lieutenants from my company and we’d get stir fry (usually the only food that was truly “Far Eastern,” rather than South Asian). Good times.

It never fails to strike me as weird, though, how the Far East DFAC celebrates Asian foods, but perpetuates the stereotypes. I still can’t get over the Fu Manchu movie posters all over the place. Can you imagine a sushi restaurant with those anti-Japanese WWII Army recruitment posters on the wall? Better yet, an American fast food chicken restaurant with a rascist slogan? That place would be shut down immediately.

It’s an odd marketing tactic, but maybe it’s deliberate. “Eat at the Far Eastern DFAC or every living thing will die!”

Just plain weird.

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