Sunday, August 14, 2011

How am I gonna get golf clubs now?

On July 27th, the U.S. Army Headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan, issued memorandum #USAFOR-A-J4 restricting the kinds of items deployed units could order through their supply channels.

As I scanned the list, I couldn't help but laugh. Looking at the kinds of stuff that we can no longer order is the best way to what we have been. And some of the items listed are a riot.

Golf clubs? Are you serious? People were ordering golf clubs in Afghanistan? How could those *possibly* have been for business use?

And gun silencers? What were people doing with those, mafia hits? I probably don't want to know...

Other things on the list are suspiciously good for personal use. GPS Garmins, microwaves, PDAs, and my favorite -- flat screen TVs. Especially with the end of the fiscal year coming up in September, I can just imagine how many ended up in people's rooms. As non-inventoried items, I'm sure I too could find a "business" use for those.

Other items were good to have as an informal currency. Knives, pen & pencil sets, and multifolding tools (like Gerbers or Leathermans) were great ways to convey your gratitude to units who didn't owe you anything. It's understandable, yet regrettable, that they're on the list.

In the end I suppose it makes sense they were disallowed, though I don't know how I'm going to get any better at golf anytime soon.

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