Monday, February 06, 2012

Company changes, interview

My company's gone through a lot of changes in the past month. With our newest MTOE we shrank from three line platoons to two (losing us all our cooks in the process). This past week, the company command team switched out for the first time in three years. (The XO, who made captain during the summer, already left early last month.)

I have no idea why "they" (whoever "they" are) let the same commander stay for that long, but it might have to do with the way we never stayed under the same battalion for more than six months or so. I'll probably never know, but the new commander said the deciding people have set a new maximum of 18 months. (To be "branch-qualified," you only need one year of command time, and with the Army downsizing there will be no shortage of people eager for their turn.)

I might be the next to leave, but I have no idea. I interviewed for a position as an aide today, but I was one of 14 candidates for the position. The process itself went well -- I showed up on time, looked nice (wore contacts), and presented my strengths in coherent fashion -- but there's no telling what other candidates are like or what chances I have.

I'll find out later this week if that goes through, but -- more than likely -- only if I don't get the call.

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