Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sherwood Forest Faire

Yesterday I did two things: 1.) watched the Great Muppet Caper, and 2.) took my kids to the Sherwood Forest Faire east of Austin.

We had a good time. We watched a joust, listened to different kinds of music, and ate funnel cake. I tasted mead (a honey-based wine) for the first time, and bought P a little wooden sword.

The other attendees were as much fun to watch as the performances. Not only were there respectably costumed fellows like the guy above, there were elves, fairies, Xena-style warrior princesses, and all kinds of people who ...uh... let's just say their facial hair would not meet Army standards.

One guy I saw walked around shirtless, with tattooed bronze skin, a goatee, sword tied to his waist, and nipple piercings. My first thought was of this Sam the Eagle quote from earlier in the day:

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