Tuesday, October 30, 2012

CLC3 Day 18: Joint Operations

The day started off late because of the bad weather associated with Hurricane Sandy. Fort Lee opened two hours later than normal, so class began at 10:30.

After about an hour and a half, we broke into pairs and prepared briefs about some organizations with which the Army cooperates. My partner and I had Army Space Operations. We started at 1315 and finished around 1500.

I used the next couple hours to finish my media plan that's due on Thursday and study up on the battle simulations we'll be doing on Friday. I left at 5:00. The day wasn't over, though, as I had a whole bunch of readings to do to get ready for tomorrow.

And since tomorrow morning combatives starts at 5:30 in the morning, I'll need to get to bed pretty early. *sigh*  I remember people saying CLC3 was a time where you could "take a knee."  I haven't had a moment like that since the class started.

I look forward to the Veteran's Day weekend.

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