Thursday, October 04, 2012


Today we took the our physical fitness test.  The fun kicked off at 5:20 and finished at around 7:00. I started out pretty well, doing 64 push-ups and 67 sit-ups for 91% in both.

I was disappointed with my run time, though -- 16:16 over two miles, for 77%.  I chock that up to the month I spent in transition, not completely focused on improving my score. I understand the need to have a PT test as a qualification for attendence, but for ranking and scoring I'd have preferred to have it later in the cycle.

At 9:00, we began the Initial Assessment Exercise (IAE). Our assignment as a group was to plan a counter-attack for a maneuver battalion, which for me was really intimidating for me. First, I've never been in a maneuver unit, and second, I've never spent a day on battalion staff.

So I'll spend my four-day weekend reading through the materials and getting ready for Tuesday, when we finish and present our plan to our SGL.

Finished at 3:00.

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