Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Support Operations Course: Day 7

Today we focused on the concept of support presentation. As the "battalion commander," I've been routing responsibility for the presentation through the two people who would normally be in charge: the battalion XO (in charge of the S-2 and the S-3) and the SPO (in charge of the sections that cover the classes of supply). Like me, both those guys just finished CLC3, so they know what to look for.

And I'd bet they scored better than me on the ICOS, too.

It's been working pretty well, but it doesn't leave me with a lot to actually *do*. I suppose that's the intent of the role I'm in, but I feel a little uncomfortable just being "the supervisor."

We finished by rehearsing the presentation. I listened to everyone's part, gave some feedback, and then we were done by 5:00.

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