Monday, April 22, 2013

Back to in-processing

Having come back to work after three days of Headstart, today was my first PT with my new unit. A few of the other officers took me for a run around the flightline, which was a little over 5 miles.

Unfortunately, about four miles into it I lost sight of the people in front of me, and made a wrong turn. I went down some street that turned into a construction zone, and PT soon turned into a land navigation exercise. I think I ended up doing about 6.5 miles total -- a rough first day of PT.

At 9:15 I met with our housing agent to sign our lease. As I found out that I'll get the money for our lease through my regular paycheck and that we'll be responsible for the actual payment, my big question was, "how do I do that?" The housing office guy said that's for me to work out with my housing agent, but I still haven't gotten a satisfactory answer.

While I was at the office, I also arranged for delivery government furniture (yeah -- we get free furniture while we're here!). That will be delivered tomorrow.

The last thing to do was get an advance of our housing money for 1.) the security deposit, 2.) rent for the last week of April, and 3.) rent for the month of May. For that I first needed to get a DA 4187 signed by the headquarters company commander, and then head over to the finance office.
All total, I was requesting 3.6 million won in cash (~$3,200). That's 1.6 million for the one-month's-rent security deposit (which I'll have to pay back when we leave), plus the 2 million which will come out of my next paycheck.

That's a daunting number for me to process. I remember coming here as an English teacher in 2003; my *entire month's pay* was 2 million won (the studio housing was provided - I never knew how much that was). For me to be paying 80% of that amount just in rent kind of shows how nice the Army's been for me.

Then again, according the Department of Defense's public Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) calculator, the difference between an E-1 (lowest level private) and an O-3 (captain) is a mere $27.

Oh well.

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