Friday, December 27, 2019

Sell, donate, bring, or ditch

We're getting things ready for our move. There are four categories of things:
  1. Sell. This is a short list. The only thing we really want to sell is the 2016 Veloster. Option 1 is to sell to an individual; Option 2 is to sell to the dealership we bought it from. I've posted it on Craigslist and, but we'll see how that plays out.
  2. Donate. Most of our furniture fits into this category. Wife wants to have a "fresh start," so that means getting rid of a lot of old IKEA furniture. Bookshelves, tables, chairs, dressers, and the hammock -- it's all going. Merry Christmas to the Salvation Army and United Cerebral Palsy charities. We're also (essentially) donating the 2008 Elantra to someone we know.
  3. Bring. We've got a 9,000 pound weight allowance, but will likely have only about 3,500 pounds. Book, beds, clothes, dishes, toys -- this is the stuff we bring.
  4. Ditch. Between recycling and regular garbage, it's time to clean house. Old school homework, files, untransportable junk, recyclable materials, and food -- these are the things to ditch.
There are also a few things to repair before we turn over the house to the property manager we selected. Unfortunately, rent won't be as high as we'd like, due to the AirBnB restrictions the Hawai`i government put in place this past year. As a result, the properties that used to be short-term rentals have turned into long-term ones, flooding the market.

It will likely be a few more years before cash flow turns net-positive, but we're prepared to deal with that; we just hope we can get a tenant soon.

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