Thursday, December 07, 2006

Blog upgrades, setbacks

Blogger is using a new Beta version. By upgrading, my blog got a few power-ups, such as the post archive in drop-down form, and the ability to use labels. Now folks can look up all the things related to the CHEMBA program with just one click.

The only downside is that I have to go through all 500 or so posts done up to this point and assign labels to them. :-(

The other thing is that my file host got bought out or something, and all of a sudden all the links are case-sensitive. If there's one "k" in the link that should be "K" in the URL, I have to redo the post.

This means going through each of the 30 months my blog has been around, just to make sure my links are still intact. Thumbs down.

On top of that, some links in the minisites aren't working, and for some reason I can't figure out. The cases match, the URLs are the same, and the naming convention is the same as the linked picture right next to it, and yet somehow one link works and the other doesn't. *sigh*

Well, at least I have no job to get in the way of this highly productive work.

1 comment:

- said...

Well, one things's fixed -- the minisite links are all working, at least in Internet Explorer. There were a bunch of files with "JPG" extensions that were hyperlinked to be "jpg".