Thursday, September 05, 2013

First day of school

P's first day of school on Tuesday was a bit of a mess. I was supposed to drive him there by 7:45, walk him to his classroom, and meet his teacher (SY had met her last week). Once I got there, though, I realized his building (the new on-post school) was different from the place where I registered him. As a result, I got there late. It was kind of embarrassing. Since his second day, he's been riding the school bus -- there's one that picks up all the kids in our off-post neighborhood, which is nice. However, it's strange how the on-post school's schedule don't synchronize well with the military schedule. I typically get back from PT at around 7:15, which would make driving him to school by 7:45 impracticle. I suppose I could do it, but then I've have to come back home to eat and shower anyway. By him riding the bus, SY can walk him to the bus stop, even though for her that means waking up a lot earlier than she would otherwise need to. Ideally, the school schedule would be an hour later. That way, I could come home, eat, shower, and take him to the bus stop (or drive him) by the time I have to be at work.

True, the world really doesn't revolve around me, but I wonder how many other parents think the same way I do.

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