Sunday, July 18, 2004

Monsoon Season

It's monsoon season. Thumbs down.

A month ago I thought I had summer all figured out. It was going to be hot and muggy, and that was it. It didn't matter, though, because I had air conditioning in my apartment. Summer could be as bad as it wanted and it wouldn't bother me none. Ha, ha, ha!

Then July pulled a fast one on me -- all of a sudden, there was this new kind of summer I'd never seen before. It started raining every single stinkin' day, and not just little bits here and there. These were full-on rainstorms, on a daily basis.

I'm not joking -- if it's not raining at a given moment, you can see it coming. You can feel it in the air. Everywhere you go you have to bring an umbrella, because there's no telling when (not "if") the clouds will break....

The worst thing about monsoon season is that it takes about three days for clothes to dry. Very few apartments in Korea have clothes dryers (like ovens or dishwashers, it's just one of those things), so people use clothes racks like this -

- to dry their clothes. Normally it works fine, but monsoon season is so dang humid the air just can't take any more moisture.

In spite of all the hassle, I kind of like monsoon season. It's definitely a change of pace, and I love coming home in the afternoon and taking a nap while listening to the rain. The background sound of a rainstorm can't be matched.

Wouldn't it figure, though, that like all the other seasons I've re-experienced in my year here -- by the time the monsoons are over, I'll have just started to really like them.

1 comment:

redMoon said...

I’m glad you found somehow peace during the Monsoon season. I certainly miss it: the insanely pouring down rains, the sounds of rain drops hitting hard against windows and all that.

I’m sorry to hear about your freshly washed clothes to be hung like that for three or more days just to be smelled like some kinda fungus. But if you want dryer, dishwasher, ovens and such like, you should seriously start thinking about purchasing those with your own money or returning back to the States.

Btw, I’ve been wondering why you were not on your blog. I got the reason now. I actually wrote some comments about it, but I think I was just too naïve to take about those so decided to discard it.

Oh… and be sure to be ready for the summer. Yes, the real summer starts after the Monsoon season. It’s gonna be hotter and muggier.

Then keep it up =)