Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Back to work

OK, here's what's happened since my last post:
  • Returned to Hawaii where I had a blissful three weeks of vacation
  • Met up with old friends
  • Dealt with all my old loot I had left in Hawaii
  • Did a whole lot of nuthin'
  • Played tour guide for my friend from Korea during the last week.
  • Finished my vacation and came back to Korea under a new contract at a different school

The details of the first five are quite inconsequential, but the second two are the juicy parts that are worth a few paragraphs. On Aug 7 my friend SY arrived in Hawaii after six weeks of studying in California. She had until the 12th to see the best stuff I could think of, but rather than be a completely psychotic schedule freak, I decided to play it one day at a time (this was a big step for me).

Two days after she left for Korea, I did too. (Nice flight -- I was really happy I went non-stop because Tokyo's Narita airport really is worth skipping, and I arrived without being completely exhausted.) My new hagwon's owner met me at the airport and took me to my new place in the Anyang area.

My new apartment is temporary, but nice. Though I was pretty tired after the flight and the drive, I felt compelled to clean it and rearrange the furniture before I went to bed, which of course sounds obssessive but was essential for any real feeling of home. I'll move into my more permanent housing on August 27.

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