Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Grandpop dilemma

My grandfather asked me a while back when the best time to call is. "In the late evening," I said, "which would be between 9 and 11 in the morning Eastern Time."

My roommate woke me up a few days ago to tell me I had a phone call. It was my grandfather, but it wasn't in the late evening -- it was in what I consider mid-morning (7:00). He called to tell me that he wasn't going to be coming out in March; he'll be coming out in April. He said some other things, but I don't remember them because my memory is really bad when I'm told something after I just wake up.

It was hardly an emergency phone, but what can you do? That question both is and isn't rhetorical. Since my grandmother passed away, my grandfather's alone in the house (though my dad's not far). I'd be a rotten grandson to ignore his loneliness and not take his phone calls simply because I'm selfish and want to sleep.

On the other hand, it's good thing my roommate was already up, because to wake her up to answer the phone and then to have her wake me up to take would be embarrassing. Screening my calls is not her job, and I feel like I should apologize whenever someone calls during the downtime hours of the day (12-9 am).

In the end, I decided I'll take his phone call any time of the day. If my grandfather decides a call is important, regardless of the reason, I want to be there. It wouldn't be right otherwise.

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