Monday, November 29, 2004

Korea's disabled

I don't know what to say about Korea's disabled.

Sometimes they pass through the subways with a radio slung around their necks (playing slow instrumental songs), holding a basket to collect donations. Sometimes they sit near subway entrances and display their disability. For most, I'm not sure if their pitiable condition is a result of their decisions, caused by a psychological condition, or fate, but my heart is always moved by sights like these:

I assume this man lost his legs through service in the military; if so, one would wonder why he didn't have access to a wheelchair. In any case, his life is appalling to me.

He rests on a four-wheel cart, similar to the kind used for moving furniture. His livelihood seems to be reduced to pushing an amplifier through the streets, collecting donations. His lower half, as with others I've seen, is covered by a pair of much too large rubber pants that camouflages his missing legs to a certain degree, though in truth only makes him more conspicuous.

Men such as him can be seen thoughout Seoul, though the public most often treats them as invisible. They can go anywhere they like; nowhere is begging illegal, I think, but rather than acknowledge their state, most people just ignore them.

I feel guilty about this, and wonder how God feels about it. Should I donate, or are they like other homeless people I've known (and even helped take in) -- capable of change but simply disinterested? Is it true that "it's better to give through charities," or am I just making excuses?

Being in a foreign country makes it doubly hard to judge what the best course of action is. One lacks the desensitivity of the familar, yet still fears taking taken advantage of.


Daehee said...

I was in Korea this summer and I saw the exact thing, except my reaction to it was a bit different from yours:

Also, I took some photos of a Chinese bum in the Forbidden City:

redMoon said...

I can say that I’ve seen this scene a lot more than you! Of cuz, I feel something for them (I do not want to say ‘sympathy’ for some strange reasons! And I can’t say anything about their disabilities.)

I understand what you think! The wellares kinda suck in Korea compared to US of A. But have you ever thought of your own country, US of A! Here where I live have tons of them (thou you don’t get to see like this scene often). I don’t know why there’s so many homelesses while US of A supposed to have pretty good wellfair packages! Maybe they are taking advantage of the system. Maybe I’m just navie……

Anyway, whenever I see people like him, I feel more glad rather than sorry. I’m just so glad that I’ve got all of my body parts intact! For that, I think I’m gifted!