Monday, November 22, 2004

Other foods that ain't right

You know where silk comes from, right? From the unwound cocoons of silkworms. But have you ever wondered what they do with the silkworm afterward?

Could you ever have guessed?


That's right -- for a mere 700 won (65 cents) you can enjoy the canned taste of 번데기. Anyone want some? (free for family members and close friends)


redMoon said...

Don’t say it’s not right or ununderstandable! As a matter of fact, I think you should give it a try once or twice before you actually say things like this much judgmental! =)

Than what would you say about France’s snails and Foie Gras or the States’ rattlesnake and alligator (well, mostly southern part thou)? All those weird and strange thingies the Chinese seems to enjoy (a certain kind of bird’s nest and unborn pig baby in its womb to name a few)? And the western cuisine’s love of lamb? See, those are, and many more, something that I am not familiar with, but I’m always willing to try and get to know. In fact, I wanted to know all those pusses about lamb (you know… they say it melts in your mouth), I’ve tried it exactly five times. All those five trials disappointed me (the smell… something I couldn’t stomach well). On the fifth trial, I decided that the meat of lamb is inedible……. That means inedible TO ME! I gagged so hard due to the scent, I almost vomited and had to trash away the brand new scrubby sponge. I’m just glad that I didn’t have to discard my grill pan.

Anyway, when I was a kid, I loved 번데기 despite my mom’s disapproval (she just can’t handle food that looks… uhmm…. so realistic to their living forms!). But I’m not really sure this tinned version would be as much good as like I used to get it from a freshly streamed street cart version.

Well, I think for a while, I will be thinking about consuming 번데기 and 닭발 (chicken feet) and 족발 (pig feet). *already drolling*

- said...

I think all that stuff is messed up -- lamb, veal, beef tongue, beef liver (I had to eat that when I was a kid), chicken feet, pigs' feet, chicken gizzards, tripe, etc., etc. I have a hard time eating your run of the mill hot dogs, and wouldn't be surprised if a person didn't like sausages.

I imagine the first sausage conversation went like this:

A: Hey, how about we take this pig, grind it up, then stuff inside its own intestines and eat it!
B: Uh ... OK, but you try it first....