Sunday, December 19, 2004

Character exposition

What's the noun form of the verb "expose"? Is it "exposition"? My English has gotten so bad.... [later note: it's "exposure" *sigh*]

I was telling a friend of mine about my job situation this morning and got a great chunk of input on my character.

A lot of my problem at work comes from my arrogance as an employee in that I think I should know why I need to do certain things a certain way. I had thought that the lack of clear explanations was a root cause for the situation.

In fact, downward explanations are not my boss's responsibility -- they're his prerogative -- and by failing to ask for direction earlier in my contract I've exceeded my real authority in a number of ways. These things could have been avoided if I'd asked first.

I'll remembe that when I talk to my boss tomorrow.

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