Saturday, December 04, 2004

Grandpop visit, oral test news

There are three things I look forward to in the first half of 2005: 1.) News on my CHEMBA scholarship, 2.) My Foreign Service Oral Assessment, and 3.) My grandfather's visit to Korea.

In a crazy, mixed-up way, the timing of the second and third have switched in a way that will probably work out for the best. Originally, my grandpop was planning on coming out in April, even though my work schedule wouldn't really permit me to spend a lot of time with him.

As it works out, he can now come out in February, during the week I have off for the Lunar New Year. That's great because this way I'll have a lot of time to spend with him. Also, my FSOA is going to be on May 13 (rather than Feb. 7), so I have lots of time to study for it and the language assessment that would follow a passing score.

Hand of Providence at work.

1 comment:

redMoon said...

Have a great quality time with your grandfa! One thing I really regret now is that I didn’t have much time with my late grandma! I still cry over it! sad!