Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Sleeping beauty, psycho mom, glass girl

Wow, I just realized I haven't posted since March 25 -- that's almost two weeks. Well, I've been a bit busy with the school's bimonthly test cycle -- creating tests, grading them, and writing evaluations -- so I haven't had time to fill you in on all the excitement. It's been a pretty interesting time.

First let me tell you about Sleeping Beauty, one of the Kindergarten students. Because she takes piano lessons at night, she gets so tired right after lunch that she passes out in the next class. Rather than jolt her awake with a cattle prod, we put her on the couch in the teacher's room. Here she is, nice and comfy:

It's really something how hard Korean parents push their kids.

Second, we've got a problem with an obsessive mother. She enrolled her daughter (Angelina) in our Kindergarten at the start of March, and stuck around to peek in the window on the first day of school. Though irritating, it's pretty normal.

What was not normal, however, was that she continued to come back day after day! Knowing that her mother was right outside, Angelina would walk out of the class whenever she wanted. And if the mother tried to leave her, Angelina would start to cry. Clearly, the two have never spent any time apart.

Well, after a while, our school director sent a letter saying that her presence was bothersome to the class, and asked that he not come to the school. can you guess what she's been doing recently?

She's been camping outside the entrance to the school. And every time one of the coordinators walks by, Angelina's mom runs up to the next floor to avoid being seen. Of course, everyone knows she's there -- she's not fooling anyone. I guess she simply has nothing better to do than to obsess over her kid day and night....

The third story I have is about one of the girls in my 6:00 class. The boy she sits next to is a constant irritation to her (and the rest of the class, sometimes) so she brought a broken glass shard to school to get him to back off. Nothing serious happened beyond that, but she was upset when we called both their parents, and I was really unnerved about the whole thing. I mean, what if she'd stabbed him or something?

So that's the news from the school. Now you know what's been going on these past two weeks.

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