Thursday, May 19, 2005

Good news Thursday

Something good and unexpected happened today: I got my last paycheck. And the owner was kind enough to include some measure of severence in it to cover the work I've had to do.

That's nice. It's also a little confusing. Why would someone pay me on my second-to-last day? He must have a lot of trust in me that I'll show up tomorrow and turn in all the worked I've been asked to do.

So I really don't want to disappoint Mr. Kim now. He put his trust in me -- I'd like to prove myself worthy of it. I stayed up until about 2:00 in the morning getting the eleven pages of student comments done.

Unfortunately, I left my camera at work, so I'll have to makes two trips to Emart tomorrow to get all my class pictures developed. This may get tricky, but even with the homework papers for next week and big tests to draw up, I think I can still manage to get it all done by the time the school closes at 8:30. It'll make for a rotten last day, but I can do it.

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