Saturday, May 10, 2008

무료 (無料) Big Mac

McDonald’s has a special deal these days: “Free Big Mac Tonight.” When you order a super-sized set, they give you a coupon for a free Big Mac. It sounds pretty good, until you look at the fine print:

You have to show up between 11pm and 4am to use it.

Either the corporate goons up in HQ were on drugs when they came up with this one, or this is one heck of a stingy promotion. How are you supposed to wake up in the middle of the night just to redeem the coupon?

Well, I for one was not going to let my fee Big Mac go unredeemed. So tonight, after I put the baby to sleep, I walked over the Micky D’s near my house and used my coupon.

Thought you were going to get away with a fast one, didn’t you? Ha! No way. To me, a free Big Mac is the most precious thing in Korea, and I’m definitely not going to let it pass me by.

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