We started off with a ruck march. Some said it was three miles; others said five, but either way I was really tired by the end and just couldn't seem to move fast enough. By the end, my left shoulder and knees hurt pretty bad.
Once in the field, we studied IEDs, learned how to set up a claymore mines, and even got to watch a claymore go off. The IED videos were a little disturbing - you see people who are about to die looking perfectly calm and then the explosion hits.
I think I caught a cold - I've got a slight cough and I've been hoarse for the past couple days. Got two letters today, which made me happy. One of the carton panels in the MRE I ate for lunch doubled as a postcard, which I thought was funny, so I wrote on it and sent it to my father, grease stains and all. Still, I haven't received word from SY, which makes me sad.
No guard duty last night, so I slept really well. We had a lot of personal time today, some of which I used for weapons cleaning.
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