Tuesday, June 22, 2010

No "help"

Well, I didn't get the position I interviewed last for as the general's aide-de-camp. I'm bummed about that.

I can only guess as to why, but I think the biggest determinant was that I haven't deployed. Not to worry, though -- and I say this sardonically -- I found out that will happen soon enough.

It's kind of funny how I found out they weren't going to pick me -- as I predicted, I met the guy who got it. As it happened, he walked by my workstation asking where the S-6 shop (the computer people) was. As we were walking there, he explained why he need to find it.

Truth be told, I wanted to stab him in the heart right there. It's like hearing from another guy that the girl you asked to prom (and who told you she'd think about it) decided to go with him. And now, by not going to the prom, you've got to deploy overseas.


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