Thursday, December 22, 2011

Block Leave, new lieutenant

I learned an important lesson last year while my company was on block leave just prior to the deployment -- block leave is the best time to *not* go on leave. Why? Because there's no one around anyway. No one around means even less stuff for you to do.

And since both my Wisconsin parents have jobs that get pretty busy around the holidays, visiting before or during Christmas isn't really a good idea. So, I've been hanging our here in Texas and regularly showing up to not work.

I'm excited, too, because my company just got a new second lieutenant -- I'm hoping that means I'll be given some other position in the battalion, but I'm not sure.

In any case, I doubt any changes will happen before the rest of the company and our commander come back. If anything is going to happen, it will probably have to wait until about mid-January.

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