Saturday, December 03, 2011

No longer obligated

As of today, I have fulfilled my active duty obligation to the Army.

When I enlisted in 2008, it was for three years; that three years was "renewed" when I commissioned via OCS in December that year. Since those three years are now up, I'm no longer an "obligated volunteer," my Officer Record Brief (ORB) now just has a blank spot.

I'm free *to try* to quit whenever I want. I say that because there's one has to submit a "Request For Release from Active Duty" (REFRAD), which then must be accepted before I can begin out-processing. Although I know one of my OCS classmates has already resigned, I plan to stay in, at least for at least the time being.

Even if I quit, though, I'd still be on the inactive reserve list until 2016 -- it's still possible to be called up should we have to invade some other country.

1 comment:

Joe said...

With current state of the economy stay in. Maybe try to get an assignment here in Korea :). Meanwhile work a State Department application in parallel, if it comes through, then start your resignation process.