Friday, May 21, 2021

Andrew Clay Gaskin, Part 3

Andrew, Jeff, and I were so happy to move out of the 1825 Dole Street place. The house was only about 50 ft from the H-1 highway, so noise and exhaust were constant problems. In fact, there was this one desk we moved that *I would have sworn in a court of law* was gray, but no -- it was white. It was just so covered by dust and soot from the highway that it was indistinguishable.

By comparison, Andrew LOVED the 1941 10th Avenue address. I say "address" rather than "house" because there were four units there, in two houses, and he ended up living in every single one of them.

Over the course of, like, 8 years or something, as the other tenants moved out, he gradually worked his way up the side of the valley until he was in the one with the most commanding view. It was absolutely spectacular. He loved every day he lived there.

I only have these pictures of the view from the lower house -- the lower level of which we both lived in from 1997 through June 1999 -- but that really was a fun place to live. We had this circular dining table we'd eat at, while looking out the window over Palolo Valley, and talk about how long it was going to take to graduate college.

From time to time, cars would drag race up 10th Avenue (which has no stop lights) and get into accidents, and all the neighbors would come out to see what happened. Andrew, of course, was so personable that he'd go out and talk to everybody, and get to know everyone. He had no problems talking to anybody.

He was amazing that way.

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