Saturday, July 03, 2021

Milk Tea Soufflé Waffle

From time to time, I'll get really excited about something stupid, like this "Milk Tea Soufflé Waffle."

We had some neighbors over for dinner recently, and they brought a cake that had some promotion material in it. To my joy and surprise, I was able to understand the gist of it, and this became my new quest: to eat the 200 yen (218 after tax) soufflé waffle that the "Cozy Corner" chain of stores would offer.

I went to the website to find the closest store, and found the kanji for Kanagawa, then found the kanji for the Zama area. As it turned out, there's a store right in the Sobudai-mae train station.

Becauase it was "Limited Time Only," I went as soon as I could on July 1st, but they were all sold out. I went again on July 2nd, and this time was able to get enough for the whole family.

Although the advertisement described it as a "soufflé waffle," it was really just a sponge cake with milk tea-favored creme filling.
Nevertheless, it was just a couple hundred yen, and for that price, it fit the bill. Mission accomplished, and now I can move on with my life.

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