Tuesday, July 13, 2021

My high school French book

A friend of mine from high school has a daughter who just graduated high school herself, and was accepted into the French National Honor Society (Société Honoraire de Français).

C'est vrai -- avoir une autre langue, c'est posséder une deuxième âme.

It reminded me of the textbook her father and I learned from -- Nos Amis, copyright 1979 -- which I just got from Amazon for $6.
I remember how silly we all felt practicing the first dialogue, which included the line we ended up mocking throughout the whole year in French I: "Ah oui, Denise Goulet!"
There's irony in the way her father, who despite being born in Belgium was not particularly good at French, was able to raise a daughter who ended up very successful at it. To her I offer mes felicitations, while also giving him a metaphorical sideways glance.

Since those days, I've learned that French students go through a lot of the same things we did -- unrealistic conversations and mountains of worksheets. But I've found a measure of satisfaction in the fact that -- as seen in this YouTube video -- *I* am their Denise Goulet.

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