Saturday, May 08, 2021

Day trip to Enoshima (江の島)

After a year of bunker mentality due to COVID, it's time to get back to doing stuff. So our first foray off-post was to go to Enoshima

We took the Odakyuu line (小田急線) up to Sagami-Ono (相模大野), then took a branch line south as far as it would go. And since I was feeling generous, we upgraded to the Romance Car.

Contrary to what the name implies, the Romance Car train is not particularly romantic -- they just have spacious, reserved seating.

The first thing we did on arrival was get something to eat.

The restaurant was right on the beach, so of course that was the next stop.

The kids milled about aimlessly for a while, then played in the water.

We crossed the bridge to go over to Enoshima proper (the island part), but by this point we weren't really interested in climbing the bazillion stairs to reach the top of the hill. So we did some shopping and walked back to the train station.

One of the things I noticed about Enoshima was the Hawaii-themed restaurants, like the the Kua`aina above. I couldn't help but feel a big indignant, though, because the color of the sand and the temperature of the water made the fact I was *not* in Hawaii very hard to forget.

Nevertheless, there was a whole lot of Enoshima that we did not get to see. Perhaps one day we'll go back; I'd certainly recommend it to others.

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