Wednesday, May 05, 2021

How to know when your ethics need work

"Well, Frank's not a lobbyist. Frank's a friend ... I don't see that there's any problem along that line," House minority leader Kevin McCarthy said. "Stop this woke movement that's going on." [Source]
If I understand Rep. McCarthy's logic correctly, renting a room from a lobbyist who's not a friend is not OK, but being friends with a lobbyist and renting a room from them *is* OK. And this whole concept of "ethics" is just woke nonsense.

myeh ... no.

Even Tucker Carlson recognizes there's a problem with this. "Why do Republican officials listen more carefully to Frank Luntz than they do their own voters?" Carlson asked, saying the living arrangement would give Luntz an "outsized influence over the Republican Party's policy positions."

When you're a Republican, and Tucker Carlson dedicates *his* air time to call *you* out (rather than some Democrat), you should take the hint that you done messed up.

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