Wednesday, May 12, 2021

No one's reading Trump's blog. Very sad.

On January 9th, then-President Trump -- having been banned from Twitter and Facebook -- started pursuing his own social media site.

“We also look at the possibilities of building out our own platform in the near future. We will not be SILENCED!” [Source]

Apparently, that's not working very well. First, it's not a "platform." It's a blog. That's hardly revolutionary stuff. [Source]
Second, traffic is way down from what he's used to. It's sad, but it's the same lesson I've learned. Facebook is far more effective at forcing your content into someone's face than relying on them to enter a URL or click on a Favorite.

We bloggers aren't "SILENCED" per se, but those of us who are still at it have learned to manage our own expectations.

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