Wednesday, May 24, 2023


These days, the "snowflake" is a pejorative term for someone who is "overly emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions." It's unusally associated with people on the left end of the political spectrum. [Source]

Yet I see those on the right behaving this way as well. For example, in Florida, the poem that poet laureate Amanda Gorman wrote for President Biden's inaugeral address has been banned by the Bob Graham Education Center in Miami Lakes. [Source]

The root of the problem is Florida law, which means a book can be withdrawn from a school library if even a single parent complains. 565 books were banned in the 2021-2022 school year, including the book 14 Cows for America. [Source]

That's what one parent did with Gorman's speech, citing its "indirect hate messages." The parent cited two passages:

We’ve braved the belly of the beast.
We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace,
And the norms and notions of what ‘just is’
Isn’t always justice.


And yet the dawn is ours before we knew it.
Somehow, we do it.
Somehow, we’ve weathered and witnessed
A nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished.”

Apparently, "snowflakery" is not limited to one side one of the political spectrum.

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