Friday, June 30, 2023

Summer 2023 trip - Notre Dame

The goal for the day was to make it to a hotel near Akron, Ohio. We stopped for lunch at the Chicago Southland Lincoln Oasis, where you can watch traffic to and from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and points northwest as it gets pinched by Lake Michigan onto I-80.

The rest stop had some cool keychains.

I try break up long drives by doing something interesting. Since the Notre Dame University campus at South Bend isn't far from the highway, we made a stop there. I'm not interested in Notre Dame, I'm not not Catholic, and I don't even care about college football, but I *did* see the movie Rudy. For me, that's good enough.

Along the way, we made other stops; some places are really nice. When we finally got to the hotel, I noticed the signs on the doors. I guess nobody wants to work anymore.

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