Tuesday, December 12, 2023


This is my mom's dog, Canyon. Canyon was a "COVID dog," which is a term I just learned. His previous owner got him during the pandemic, when people were spending a lot of time at home and feeling socially isolated.

Then, when restrictions were lifted and people had to go back to work (like, in person), those owners had a hard time taking care of their pets.

Canyon wasn't getting enough outside exercise, and his muscles atrophied. He's a collie -- a breed that isn't a good choice if you want a house-bound lap dog. That previous owner surrendered him, and after being fostered, my mom got him.

Canyon's since gotten stronger -- he can jump into the back of her SUV now -- but it's a shame that his experience ever happened in the first place.

Don't get a pet unless you're ready to commit, and you're able to provide what that particular breed needs.

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