Tuesday, June 22, 2004

청개구리 -- Green Frog

In Korea, a disobediant, unpredictable person is called a green frog. Why?

There's a Korean fable about a green frog who never listened to his mother. Whatever his mother told him to do, he always did the opposite -- she told him to go east, and he'd head west. She'd say walk south, and he'd run to the north.

By the time she was on her death bed, she'd figured it out. She told her son, "Bury me near the stream; don't bury me on the hill," knowing he'd do the opposite.

However, when his mother died, the son realized what an idiot he'd been his whole life, and did as she asked, burying her near the stream. Every time it rained, though, he wondered if her grave would get swept away by a flood. Now, every time it rains, you can hear the green frogs croaking their worries. [Source]

Well, I've got a green frog in one of my kindergarten classes. It doesn't matter how many times I tell him to follow along, he never pays attention! He continues filling up his Phonics book with doodles, scribbles, and chicken scratch. "Hey!" I'll say to him, "No more spaghetti pages! Do your Phonics book!" He just laughs....

To be fair, there are a few other, mitigating circumstances that keep me from labeling him a complete waste of space. His handwriting is really good, and he has a really high level of speaking ability. He's really intelligent, too, so even though he doodles incessantly, it would appear he is actually learning something.

But then there are days like Friday, when Green Frog mooned the class during lunch time. Embarrassing, yes, but moreso because it happened on my lunchtime watch while I had stepped out for a moment. My director saw him get up on the table, pull down his pants in full view of the class and the lobby, and shake it like a polaroid picture. *sigh*

I will say this, though -- I'm glad Green Frog did it when the director was looking. Though her discipline was light (in my opinion), he saved me the unenviable task of deciding what to do with him....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Incidentally, Polaroid has issued a statement saying that their instant development process no longer requires agitation...and we can thank Outkast for this Public Service Annoucement. -Rhad